(Update as of March 31, 2020: We added in the information reflecting the increased maximum number of weeks one can delay their due payments.)

Due to the unprecedented and uncertain times caused by the current coronavirus pandemic, we will be enacting a temporary change to our standard operations regarding current and future shipments of First 4 Figures products.

Production is beginning to see an increase in functionality, with about 60% of our factories in China operational. Shipments of newly-completed products will be ready to ship to our various warehouses around the world within the next few weeks. However, a large percentage of collectors have expressed that their lives have been disrupted by the ongoing global pandemic of COVID-19, with a significant contingent stating that they have lost their jobs or suffered reduced hours as a result.

In response to this, we will be altering our standard operating procedure for the billing of final balances and shipping costs for statues due during the pandemic. This is to avoid a situation where a large percentage of customers need to cancel orders as a result of financial hardships caused by COVID-19.


  1. Once production is finished, the customer's order will be shipped from China to their regional warehouse (takes about 1-2 months).
  2. A final billing notification e-mail will be sent to the customer upon the arrival of the product in the regional warehouse.
  3. Once paid for, the product is then shipped to the customer.


  1. Once production is finished, a final billing notification e-mail will be sent to the customer.
  2. Once paid for, the product will be loaded into the next available boat out of China for the customer's regional warehouse.
  3. Once the product arrives in the customer's regional warehouse, it will be delivered straight to the customer.
  4. If a customer is unable to pay for the final balance and shipping cost at the time of the notification e-mail being sent, the customer's order will not be canceled nor will the customer be penalized in any way; we will simply defer the shipment of the customer's order from China.
  5. Once the global situation has normalized, we will then ship the customer's product to their regional warehouse, where they will then receive a second final billing notification e-mail once it arrives.
  6. Once paid for, the product is then shipped to the customer.

If you prefer for your order to be deferred in this manner, simply contact CS when you receive the final billing notification e-mail.


Furthermore, we have increased the maximum number of weeks a customer can delay their due payments to 24 weeks, up from the usual twelve. This will, hopefully, help those financially affected by this phenomenon retain and pay off their existing pre-orders.

To reiterate, this is a temporary change and we will resume normal shipping and billing operations once the global coronavirus situation has stabilized.

We know that this is a big change from our standard operating procedures that our customers have become accustomed to over the years, and we hope you can understand why these temporary changes are necessary at this difficult time and hope for your support and understanding.